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About us!

I set up Reps & Sets in 2018 as a separate business venture with aim to manufacture and distribute sports and fitness clothing. I have always had a passion for sports wear, however paying double the price for top end brands really did not sit well with me. My aim was to create an affordable brand that provided the same quality. At the same time, I was also running FMFitness which was a personal training company established in 2015 by myself and a friend, Fred Wykes. In 2019, I decided to merge the two companies and trade under Reps & Sets, combining my passion for fitness training and designer fitness wear (I also wanted to save on website fees!). This all changed when I became a registered Paramedic in 2020 following the completion of my Paramedic Science BSc with First Class Honours at St George's University of London. Since qualifying as a Paramedic, I often see my role as a clinician and a trainer intertwine. As a result of this, my main interest and goal is to help as many people as possible maintain a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. As of 2023, we are trading under Reps & Sets: Fitness and Wellbeing.


Anyway, enough about me... Something else to send you to sleep!


If it's a short, medium or long term goal, Reps & Sets will be with you every step of the way. As well as Personal Training, Reps & Sets offer a range of services which include corporate health screening, nutritional and lifestyle advice, post injury rehab, sports specific training, boot camps and much more.


Reps & Sets is about pushing our clients to achieve their desired lifestyle and fitness goals by providing suitable training, lifestyle and nutritional advice.


Our programmes and sessions are engineered to match our client’s needs and everyday life. Our aim is to not only run personal training sessions but to also teach you how to independently train in a correct, effective and safe manner.


We are here to offer our experience to assist with your short, medium and long term goals. We are currently based in Kingston upon Thames and Redhill, Surrey. Rain or shine, we are available at a time convenient to you (and me!).


Similarly to how I run the personal training aspect of the business, I firmly believe fitness should be a lifestyle and not a luxury. I have always maintained the belief that exercise should be about you and your own satisfaction and happiness. A happier you will give you the drive and the motivation to get the best out of yourself, not just in the gym, but in life too. ​


Our message is simple..

Have fun. Work hard. Feel great.

Our Facility

We currently use Kingston College as our gym facility which is in the heart of Kingston upon Thames. Here we offer a variety of personal training sessions, group and sport specific training. Check out the services page to see what we offer!


Kingston College gym (indoor studio)

Meet the team!


Matt Galvin

Personal Trainer


General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

By now you will probably be aware that from the 25th May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulations, more commonly referred to as GDPR, came into force. This not only effects all businesses and government bodies but also all other organisations who use personal data to support their operations.


As a result Reps and Sets have a duty to inform all customers on what personal data we collect and why and how Reps and Sets uses that data to carry out it's activities. Reps and Sets' personal data is not shared with outside agencies and the data collected is only that that enables Reps and Sets to communicate with customers and suscribers on the products and discounts we offer. That is with your consent or in order to fulfil our contract with you. For example confirmation of your order or information you may have requested on products.


You are entitled to see copies of all personal data held by Reps and Sets on you,  to amend, correct or delete such data. You can also limit, restrict or object to the processing of that data.


Unlike large corporate bodies we do not maintain online personal accounts and data provided is collected then consolidated on a spreadsheet which is password protected.

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